The downfall of the Rabbids series began here.

User Rating: 5 | Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time WII

In 2011, I received Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time for the Wii. This game is another entry in the Rabbids series, which takes place in a museum, where a Rabbid uses a time-travelling washing machine to travel through time. In the museum, there are various mini-games which are distributed into types which include Bounce, Flying, Shooting, Running and Fishing related mini-games. When you win a mini-game, sometimes you can choose which events you want to take place. The orange side is the good ending, while the purple side is the bad ending. There are also other little mini-games in the hub world, like the dance mini-game, the singing mini-game, the mini-game in the Flyarium where you fly through rings etc.

What I like about this game would include the graphics, the hub world mini-games, the costume changing feature, the humor and the inclusion of online multiplayer in a party game because of the fact that not many party games have online play e.g. Mario Party.

Sadly, the problems with the game include the poor motion controls, some of the mini-games are re-hashed, the shooting mini-games are underwhelming and the game is not as fun as the other Rabbids games.

Overall, I am kinda disappointed at this game because I really thought it would be a good game. Instead all I got was a mediocre party game which doesn't have much to be called a good party game. I suggest that you play a better party game than this one because it is quite a disappointing title in the series and I feel that it could have done better if Ubisoft gave the game a little more finesse.