Might be fun with other people but alone this game is not enjoyable much.

User Rating: 6 | Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One PS3
The Ratchet and Clank games were all single player games and with this new entry hoping to shape things up the series certain should not be going in this direction.


Ratchet,Clank,Qwark and Nefarious are captured and freed by some unknown character and must escape the factory and do with the mastermind behind this whole plot. Not really much of a plot because of it being 4 player co - op.


You can play as any of the 4 characters listed above but alone the game feels slow and you don't get as many bolts as you do when your playing with friends via co - op online or local co - op. It's like the more players you have the more fun it can be but everytime someone joins a game it has to restart from the last checkpoint and that can be a right pain.

When you are in co - op you can do some sort of special attack if you keep shooting at the enemy therefore dealing more damage you can do it with any weapon. The weapons though don't feel as good as they use to because before in say Tools of Destruction they were good ideas whereas these in this game feel like a rehashed weapon but under a different name and while they can be upgraded through money you would much rather upgrade them via keeping hordes of enemies.

It does have some clever ideas where you have to use teamwork to work out a puzzle but it mainly either requires smashing things or using your Suck Cannon to pull someone over to an unreachable platform.


In my opinion I don't think it looks as good as either Tools of Destruction or A Crack in Time but the voice acting is good and their are some fun cinematics in the game.


The game lasts about 5 hours maybe less but you will unlike play it again unlike others you have replayed again and again in the series.

Overall Opinion

An idea that many felt was the wrong move and it certainly shows. It lacks the craziness of the previous entries and the fast paced action. Not a full priced game maybe a rental or worth a look if you are a subscriber to Playstation Plus but other than that if you want a proper Rathet and Clank game look for A Crack in Time or Tools of Destruction. Whilst this game can be fun on co - op alone it can be a right drag to finish.

Overall Score 6.0