Ratchet: Deadlocked is a great mix of platforming and shooting action.

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2

Ratchet: Deadlocked is the fourth chapter of the Ratchet & Clank series. Clank may not be in the game's name, but he's still involved in the story. Deadlocked's gameplay is almost the same as in series's other games with one expection. Instead of more platforming and less shooting, Deadlocked offers more shooting and less platforming. The shooting works really well and the different and exciting weapons are nice to use. Platforming action is as solid as always and offers a lot of variety. Ratchet can also drive different vehicles and ride futuristic hoverbikes. The graphics are good looking and fit the game's style perfectly. In the storyline, Ratchet gets kidnapped and put into a TV show where so called "gladiators" battle for their lives. The show is ran by the chairman of "Vox Channel", Gleeman Vox. On the way, Ratchet has to defeat a group of really strong gladiators called the Exterminators. The best exterminator in the ranks is called Ace Hardlight. The game's difficulty seemed right for me and the only place where the player will probably get stuck a few times is where you control a huge spider robot. Deadlocked's musics are nothing to write home about, but they suit the game and sound effects are done with class. The game isn't too lengthy, I completed it in about 6-8 hours. Deadlocked is a great mix of shooting and platforming and once again the Ratchet & Clank series doesn't disappoint.

+ Pros: Nice graphical style, lots of exciting weapons, solid platforming, interesting storyline, great humor, shooting is genuinely fun

- Cons: Some robots are hard to control, could be a bit longer