It's annihilation nation all over again!

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
I've played a lot of Ratchet and Clank games before, but what makes this game different is that Isomaniac Studios really tried to get ambitious on the whole gladiator games thing, and they have succeed.

You see, even though the levels of this games are not that repayable for rewards, that is not the point of the game. It was to make the ultimate R&C gladiator games. In the game, you will face an onslaught of enemies, easily hundreds at a time, with destructive (though not as creative as the previous games) weapons, such as the duel raptors or the infamous annihilator. This game will keep you on your toes until you finish your missions.

Even though the weapons aren't as creative as the previous games, most everything else is. For examples, if you have enough stars in the game (the amount you get per mission is based on difficulty), you can get hilarious skins, which you can also see yourself as in the storyline as well. Speaking of skins, I really like the suit Ratchet wears throughout the game; it gives a sense that you are a futuristic gladiator, which suits the game. Also, you can get wrench modifications and upgrade your weapons and robot sidekicks, who do some of the work for you like turning bolt cranks for you.

However, there doesn't seem to be a complex storyline unlike the previous R&C games, and there doesn't really seem to be any rewards for completing missions except for stars and bolts and to continue the storyline. However, the humor in the game is still intact and this game is far more action packed than the previous games.

For those who like action, this game is for you, but some of you may be disappointed in the lack of hidden secrets or secret locations, but I bet that you will be distracted from that misfortune by the super action-packed shooting and strafing and dodging bullets and everything else you can think of.