An addictive platformer that is both charming and fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rayman Origins X360
After regaining control of his franchise from the Rabbids, Rayman has returned in this action-filled romp that's just as pleasing to look at as it is to play.


To start things off, this is a beautiful game with a variety of richly-detailed environments and some great character animations. The art style is charming and fits well with the series' absurdist humor.


Really, there isn't much of a story to talk about. Rayman and his friends are sleeping, and their snoring disturbs some old skeleton lady in the "Land of the Livid Dead" who then sends her army of monsters to attack the surface and hijinks ensue. It only exists to justify all the insanity that happens on screen, and for that you can't blame the game for it.


Like the graphics, the music also fits well with the game's tone. The soundtrack covers a variety of genres that match each level with its own catchy tune.


Luckily, Rayman Origins is more than just eye-candy. The gameplay is pure 2D side-scrolling goodness with some mosquito-piloting shooter sections to make your thumbs extra blistered. Most of the stages are designed to keep you moving fast while still being attentive, whether it's from crumbling environments, wide gaps that require precise timing and direction, and enemies that can get you if you try and attack them head-on. But fear not, since the game's tight, responsive controls allow you to pull off these precise moves with fluidity and exhilaration. Throughout the game, you're given new abilities, such as gliding and wall-running, that keep the gameplay fresh and entertaining as you progress.

While the game may be fun, however, it's not without its share of downfalls. Some of stages require that you have the correct number of Electoons, the in-game currency, in order to pass. This involves replaying previous levels to get the right amount of Electoons. It breaks the game's flow to have to repeat stages for the sake of collectibles.

There's also the difficulty. This is a deceptively challenging game, especially in later stages. The difficulty is constantly gradual through much of the game, but the later stages can be a nightmare with a vast array of spinning saws, sharp enemies, and death rays. All of this can kill you in one hit (unless you have a power-up). You will end up dying a number of times without a doubt. The up-side is that even when its difficult, the challenge doesn't feel cheap. You only have yourself to blame for your mistakes, and it becomes all the more rewarding to finally finish that stage. Of course, the game gives you an option to skip the section if you die too many times.

Feeling lonely? The game also features 4-player co-op. This offers some good, chaotic fun whether it's local or online. Throw in plenty of collectibles, time trials, and bonus stages, and you have a platformer that will keep you occupied for a good while.

Final Word

Whether you're a fan of Rayman or not, I would still recommend Origins. It's a game that is worth playing for its charm and straight-up fun.