It's okay, but it's just too repitive and starts to feel more like a 'shoot-'em-up' very quickly.

User Rating: 4.9 | Red Dead Revolver PS2
This game isn't that good. It's pretty much just a shoot-'em up. The story mode is it's worst factor. All you do is go strait to the sherrif at the start, he gives you a mission (and all he says is "Good job bounty hunter, blah, blah, blah), you watch Red twirl his gun around for about 5 minutes (which i always wish i could skip), then begin. The stages have you kill about a million weak enemies, then take on a stronger one with a couple of duels on the way. Occasionally, a computer player will (sorta) 'help' you, but it's AI is revolting. I dont see why the use that when they could put a 2p cooperation mode in there. It's hard enough to keep you entertained for a while, but it is extremly repitive and gets old fast. While the single player mode is weak, the multi player is strong. The gameplay is basicly the same as the story mode, but you have to get cards and get good hand to win weapons and power-ups. It's a shame you have to beat the story mode to get stages and characters for it...
Any DBZ fans? Well this game is uncannilly like dragonball z sagas. The story mode is just a shoot'em-up instead of a beat-'em-up. You just go and beat some weaks, and then beat a stong.