Why do I like this game when everyone else hates it? (not a rhetorical question)

User Rating: 8.5 | Remember Me PC
Honestly, I'm surprised. This game has been bashed to pieces by critics and users alike for being trash. I wondered if we were playing the same game. The combat, of which was criticized for being broken or tedious, was something that I really enjoyed. It 'felt' nice a la driving a comfy car with nice handling. I usually preferred a combination of heal with cooldown reduction combos. The combat was fast paced enough that I had to monitor multiple factors at once as I was bouncing around the map. It was pretty exhilarating.

If there were really any serious flaws in the game, I'd have to say some parts of the story didn't really 'flow' all that well. Some 'themes' were executed in a very deus-ex machina/cheesy kind of way. It wasn't, however, so bad that it hurt the overall experience. The general 'story' was still a mystery that I wanted to unravel, and Nihin made for a great protagonist. Also, the memory-remix sequences, of which were criticized for being too flawed or sparse, didn't seem all that bad to me. All in all, though not a fantastic game, Remember Me was just good enough that it didn't feel bumpy from start to finish.

Rather than a flaw, the combat, in my opinion, was a strength of the game. Overall, I could not justify giving this game a 8.0. It isn't quite up to par to an 8.5 game admittedly, but it's closer to 8.5 than 8.0 in my opinion.