A Good Game That Could of Been More

User Rating: 7 | Remember Me PS3

I would like to conciser myself a fan of Remember Me. The game is absolutely stunning and it knows it. Not to mention the story is an interesting one with an intriguing combat system. Let's break it up.

The Story: Set in Neo-Paris in the year 2084 you are Nilin, a memory hunter that has had her memories stolen from her by the corporation called Sensen. Sensen specializes in getting rid of bad memories and giving customers good ones. But to do this they steal other people's memories creating memory junkies, slums and eventually a civil war. Nilin is guided by Edge, who wants to bring down Sensen along with a number of other allies that will help you along the way. But what exactly has Nilin forgot?

Graphics: Amazing. Stunning. From the smallest detail of rain on Nilin's jacket to the depraved slums and bum. To the wires on a robot to the reflection of a wave. You won't be forgetting any of Remember Me's scenery and character models for a while.

Gameplay: This is where the game tries but to my sadness, doesn't pass the finish line. Let's start with combat; throughout the game you unlock combos and you can fill these combos up with different powers. Say normal attack, health regen, cooldown, power attack and so on. But there are only 4 combos in the whole game! More combos and powers could of fixed this to be honest. There are Memory Remixes and these are neat little puzzle games where you change someone's memory to Nilin's will but alas, there are only 4 in the whole 8-10 hour single player. Lastly, the setting. Other than seeing the Eiffel Tower once, you would think you're in England. Why? Everyone has an English accent and with so little to remind you that you are in Paris it feels as if they just slapped that city's name on there without thought.

Other than these slip ups the game is good. But can use some improvements in a reboot, hopefully.