User Rating: 8.3 | Republic: The Revolution PC
Very interesting game. I have not beaten it yet, but I have gotten pretty far. First off, the graphics are pretty decent. Nice game engine; however, it was not used as fully as it could have been. The sounds are fun, I especially like how the characters speak in a Russian gibberish. They arent speaking a real language, but it sounds like a Russian derivative. Gameplay is good overall. It takes a while to get a hang off, but when you do, you'll love it. The game has a very steep learning curve. It will take a few starts to get a hang of it. However, this game is not for everyone. It requires thinking in a manner that most gamers are probably not used to. Also, my one main gripe is that many actions tend to get repetitive towards the middle and end of the game. It still is fun; however, it can seem to drag on. In the end, I would recommend this to serious gamers and those interested in playing out their own political thriller. Good game, I hope other developers give this relatively new genre a try.