Fell short of my expectations...

User Rating: 6.5 | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles WII
I recently got a Wii and this was one of the games I was planning on picking up for it. I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, but outside of the main games, I'm finding that the others are turning out to be flops (i.e. Outbreak, Dead Aim). This seemed like the perfect game for me since I'm a fan of the House of the Dead-style shooters, and this traces back the steps of the first three Resident Evil stories. Well, it's unfortunate, but this game was another spin-off that should have been better.

GAMEPLAY - The gameplay is good. Point and shoot seems pretty basic, but it can be a lot of fun. There are different weapons to collect and use, but the pistol will be the one you fall back on more often than not. As far as the settings go, I felt like this game did a decent job of paying homage to the games it was based on. I just didn't like the difficulty of playing this alone. Even on easy, this game can be very punishing on single player. I don't usually play games with someone else, so I was very disappointed with how the difficulty was so much that it kept me from progressing through the story. This is a game to play in co-op, not alone. Otherwise you'll find the difficulty to be just too punishing. - 6.5/10

STORY - They don't really go into the story too much here, but this is designed for those who have played the original games already. But since they don't do a good job of covering it here, I can't really give them a good score. - 5/10

GRAPHICS - I almost felt like the graphics here were actually worse than in Resident Evil 0 and the REmake. They weren't noticeably worse or anything, but it's just something I observed. This game still gets decent points for trying. - 7/10

SOUND - The music is a tad bit on the disappointing side, and it bothered me that some voice actors were exchanged for new ones here. Otherwise everything was decent here. - 6/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - I lost interest in this game after the first few levels, but for the genre of game it is, I think it has good value here. There's enough variety here to keep someone entertained during multiple playthroughs. - 8/10

BOTTOM LINE - This game belongs in an arcade rather than a console. Unless you have someone to play this with, you're not going to have a very easy nor fun time with it. It's really disappointing for me being a huge RE fan and all. I may try Darkside Chronicles since it covers the RE games I enjoyed more, but I'm still debating about that after playing this. This should be a much more fun experience with others rather than by yourself. - 6.5/10