It's better than alot of console games, which is rare

User Rating: 9 | Resistance: Retribution PSP
This game is a TPS at heart, and has a very helpful auto aim system. The controls are pretty good, using the D pad for actions, the analog for movement and the buttons to look in 4 directions, it compensates for the system's limitations of having only 1 analog, and the triggers are shoot (which makes console gamers happy :] ). The story is pretty immersive, but I won't go into detail, some bits of voice acting is a bit hit and miss. One of the characters, Mallery, or the russian commander are really hatable. HINT at parents: If you want to get this game for your kids... think about it because Grayson does swear alot. Players might miss nathan hale, but either grayson or hale, both are badass

The gameplay is very similar to many TPS games out there, u can take cover behind walls and objects, pop out and shoot and zoom in and aim manually. The enemies aren't very smart, but make up for that in big numbers. The D-pad control in my opinion is a bit iffy but it still works. It has a pretty strong multiplayer for portables, though i won't go ino depth about that too, you have to experience it to understand.

The company's experience with its syphon filter series has really helped this game and just like its graphics, it looks beautiful for a handheld.

This game plays great, controls great, looks great, sounds great (with russian folk tunes). PS3 owners can infect it and give you a pair of glowing eyes, altered cutscenes, and a regenerating health bar.

If you aren't a resistance fan, it will still bring you around 12 hours of enjoyment with the singleplayer alone, and with a multiplayer bringing you back, you can't afford to miss this game. Stop sitting there, get outside and buy this game.