simply amazing! ... or is it?

User Rating: 9 | Risen PC
Risen from Piranha Bytes may be just what you are looking for. A fun open world game were you have choises to make, ogers to kill, and ruins to plunder. It can be exciting, frustrating, fun, mysterious, slightly frightening, and a whole cake of fun. Oh, and it can be funny, or at least for me. But this big, juicy cake still needs a layer of icing sugar to make it complete. And here I am speaking about the combat. I really love it, its simply fun and innovative, but... man do I hate the auto targeting system. Sometimes it aims at enemies at the very back of the line, or to the side, meaning that when I attack, the other enemies simply slice and dice their way through my character, which really wants to make me burst my pc like a mad dog. Oh sigh... Well, anyways, other than the missing icing sugar, the cake is really looking complete. The graphics at the highest resolution are simply top notch. The soundtrack also fits brilliantly to the various areas that are explored, such as the harbour town, ruins and the general country-side. There are a tiny amout of bugs, such as when entering buildings sometimes causes the character to be teleported to the upper floor or roof. Otherwise this is a really complete game, with a interesting storyline and world, where every single building can be entered!

Really, this game is for any rpg lover, or someone who wants to get into the genre, because it really is good! Trust me!