It fails to deliver in every area!!! I am glad I rented it.

User Rating: 4 | Risen X360
I love RPGs, but this game - if it can be called that instead of torture - fails to deliver in all fronts.

First the thing you notice is the framerate, it's so jerky that it makes you feel as if you're moving in slow motion. And it affects combat too, as it makes it impossible to give a good fight when half the time you're disoriented due to the poor framerate.

Next the graphics, I mean, come on, do they even test this junk before releasing it? I can't even read the quantity of items in my bag. Everything looks the same. Not to mention getting caught in doorways half the time makes it extremely frustrating.

Inventory management is broken. Navigation using a map is broken, cannot activate a quest, so you're forced to navigate the maze of menus to get to your quest map, EACH TIME. And don't get me started on the animation. The developers thought it's a good idea to force you to watch animation on every simple little task, such as opening a chest, or drinking water, things that you do thousands of times, and yet have to spend at least 2 second each time you do it.

And storyline, after spending 10 hours, I still don't know why I am there, and what I am supposed to do, or give me a reason to care!!!

Combat is another thing that's broken.

Music is bland, voice acting is terrible.

The developers should find other careers.