Risen could (or should) be a great game, but like all of deep silver games, it is bugy as hell...

User Rating: 7 | Risen PC
it's a sandbox game to the core, meaning that you dont have a main plot (until later in the game) or even a name, you just got washed on a beach of an island after your boat drowned in a storm, and then you can do what ever you like, and i mean it.

the visuals are great, all the view when you are walking in the wilde's is amazing, its a shame the the pepole in the game dont look so good (mostly there faces), but you get used to it.

the sound is also very good, and every character has a diffrent voice acting.

the combat is just right, not easy, but not impossible, with a little training you can master it, but if you are button smashing, you will find yourself dead against fast enemies.

but althogh that overall the game is very solid, it has alot of bugs, like- some quest just wont end althogh you did everything that you need to do (checked and compared with 2 startovers).
some charecters could just disappear, leaving you with an open quest, forever (and i hate open quests in the quest log!)

thogh all the bugs are not game stopers, it can be vey anoying when it happens, so overall - wait for the patch!