Worth it for those who love to get immersed into an RPG world.

User Rating: 8 | Risen PC
I am playing on the 1.10 patch. I have not seen a bug at all.

I Love games like the Elderscrolls that really pull me into their world. This game does that for me, so to me it is a success.

Combat is challenging. Hard enemies are hard. Thats how i like it. When I take my time and use the game mechanics to beat a difficult foe I actually feel like I accomplished something. Early in the game you can get great items if you manage to defeat one of these tough enemies. Its hard but if you use some potions, spells, and skills you can defeat the enemy and get to the chest behind it and get a great item. Basically, you are actually challenged to get your reward, unlike most games where you just walk a direction and swing your sword and everything dies easily. If you really cant beat something then chances are that you arent supposed to beat it yet, you will level up and learn more skills, go back to it later.

I think the world is great. The graphics are just fine to me. The shadows are done well, the animations are good. The world really pulled me in. Major bonus points because it actually gets dark at night. I hate games that look like 6pm at 2am. And, it doesnt rain indoors! bethesda cant even figure out how to get that right!

The quests are just fine. Its not always handed to you on a silver platter like most games. But there is a quest book and a quest map with markers to show where you need to go.

There are a few things i would like to have done better:

The NPCs arent all that great. Not that they are bad, just that they arent very deep. You dont really get to know any of them very well. For the most part they all just serve their purpose.

Crafting could be better. There is plenty of materials to find around the world and the stuff you can make is great, But i would like to see a better crafting guide in the game. Its not easy to figure out how to start crafting or what you are actually crafting. Like with swords, you just have a blank, you have to start by clicking a forge, then the anvil, then a water trough, then a grinding stone. then you have a new sword in your inventory, you never get to see its stats til after its made. Meh, kinda weak. with rings, potions, and scrolls tho, you see what they are before you make them.

Overall for me this game is great because I can spend hours just playing in the world, there is plenty of enemies to kill, more than enough nooks, cranies, and caves to explore, the world looks great and is immersive, and it supplies a challenge.