Quirky, funny, and fresh take on the arcade dungeon crawler.

User Rating: 7.5 | Rogue Legacy PC
Rogue Legacy is a hilarious and unusual approach to sidescroll dungeon crawling. The main innovation is that instead of having multiple lives, every new life is actually the next in the family line. When you die, your kid takes over.

The family castle has been taken over, and its your destiny, and those of your children, to take back the castle. You do this, ultimately, by paying money to reenter the castle, collecting riches from your dead enemies, and spending those riches to make yourself stronger in between lives.

Each successive generation of heroes has unique traits. Your potential heirs may be men or women, gigantic or midgets, dyslexic, color blind, gay. Some traits matter more than others, but all combine to make each dungeon run different.

I think the game is fresh and interesting for about 10 hours. After that is starts to feel like a grind and making it to the end is a test of endurance instead of a smooth and entertaining process.