I've clearly gone insane...

User Rating: 8.5 | Saints Row IV PC
I admit I'm absolutely crazy, but I cannot help but love this game. I'm not sure why, but something about it just clicked and hit my personal sweet-tooth. Whether it's because I love upgrading ridiculous powers/weapons or the witty (and in my opinion, intelligent) dialogue, SRIV was a game that I really enjoyed, even more than SR3 (though not SR2, which was a classic for me).

I noticed that some reviewers criticized the combat and feel; I could not disagree more. It felt incredibly balanced, and the sections where powers were limited reminded me that I was only overpowered because I was stuck in a simulation. Not only that, but I never really felt 'too' overpowered. The op-factor didn't really spike until I upgraded the value of health pickups, so that if I was competent, I would basically never die. Before that, however, I would have to dodge and utilize skills tactfully a la prototype. Flying across the world with a highly customizable/personal character was really a blast.

SR4 is also more personalized than one might expect. The story borders on serious themes on occasion, which really surprised me as I expected this game to be wacky to the point of making no sense (in a bad way), given the alien premise which seemed haphazard and desperate. I was, instead, rather pleased with how they handled everything. The ending also wasn't as bad as some reviews expressed; all in all, for some reason, I just really enjoyed this game.

Just funny enough, fun enough, intelligent enough, etc., this game really hit it home for me. Why, I don't know. Maybe I'm just addicted to using the black-hole launcher and dub-step gun.