Solid game with massive content and great length! Addicting and satisfying!

User Rating: 8.5 | Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3DS
One of the first 3DS games I got at launch, and certainly my favorite. This is a solid game that appears to get mediocre reviews from major video game reviewers. However, this game is a blast to play and plays exceedingly well on the Nintendo 3DS.

Having put well over 90 hours into this game thus far, there is still tons to be done. Playing through the story will give you interesting perspectives on Japanese history through battles and interactions with notable warriors with entertaining personalities. You have the option for each level to play on easy, normal, or hard (and later unlocking a chaos mode). This allows for you to choose and adjust your difficulty as you play.

Unlocking characters for play, their weapons for use by your character, and raising friendship levels with them adds great replay value. On top of this, you can also try the ultimate challenges of unlocking each characters special weapon and try to craft your own ultimate weapons

Battles are a great mix of hack and slash action with fun combos and special moves all mixed in with light tactics and the ability to switch between characters on the fly to beat the overall mission objective and on the fly submission. Battles are fast paced with good direction and nice challenge.

Free weekly downloadable content helps add replay and extend the life of this game. Downloadable content ranges from free weapons to whole additional stages.

I would recommended this game for both fans of the Warriors series and for new comers. This game plays differently than others in the series and is a great improvement on their gameplay styles. Chronicles is a solid game with good action and satisfying strategy to impress just about any player.