Linden Lab is Aiding and Abetting Criminal Activity

User Rating: 2 | Second Life PC

Linden Lab is Aiding and Abetting Criminal Activity: Millions of real life dollars are siphoned from the Second Life music community yearly....without any royalties paid to rightful copyright owners for use of their material...nor are there any real life taxes imposed....all the while....Linden Lab profits from transfer fees for out-going/laundered money.....and music venues wish to act like hotshots while they harbor entertainers who think they are above the law and avoid paying federal taxes on millions of virtual world (Second Life) income.

Some people believe real life regulations stop at the log in screen entering Second Life

When you speak out against corruption in Second Life....they attempt to flip it around...make you out to be the bad guy...YOU are the criminal.......your name entered into ban list all around the grid.

Second Life has become an evil empire full of corruption, greed and trolls....There are much better things to do than to consolidate yourself with a bunch of a--holes.

Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue


Robert69 Little - Winner of AVI Choice Award (May 2016)

A lot of real life money revolves around virtual world music venues....hiring of entertainers ($20.00 per hour...sometimes a lot more than tips.........some earning up to and well over $400.00 per week in real life income) animations, guitars, pianos, drum sets....etc....venues furniture....blah, blah, blah.

It cost money to buy virtual world lindens (money) and then it cost again to transfer lindens (money) back out into the real world. Linden Lab does NOT publicize "live music" events in Second Life by way of videos. I would assume this is a way to keep their money laundering operation under wraps.

BBB- Linden Lab Reviews:

Tweets to Phillip Rosedale and Ebbe Altbert of Second Life

I don't believe I've ever run across a bigger loud mouth, egoistic con-artist in all my life.....truly sickening.....: Seth Regan aka "Mankind Tracer"

Linden Lab is Aiding and Abetting Criminal Activity - Part 2

Linden Lab - What Part Of Corruption Is Not Visible

Scams are endless in Second Life...: were there is money.....people will do just about anything to get their hands on it.

Linden Lab - What Part Of Corruption Is Not Visible - Part 2