It's well made, the characters are likable,and it's fun!

User Rating: 8 | Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis PC
"Puritas Cordis" is a successor to "Secret Files : Tunguska" and i liked it quite more than the original. The originality of the plot doesn't impress , but it's not bad either. It has a Dan Brown feel to it, involving religious cults , church conspiracies and ancient architecture. Like most games of this type the characters are done in 3D, but the environments are 2D .

The setting is not monotone, there are various environments to explore, from lush jungles to the romantic streets of Paris. It's quite lengthy too, so it offers a large cast of diverse characters. The two playable ones are Russian journalist Nina Kalenko, and Max, a strong-headed adventurer. They were together in the first game too, and now are reunited.

Secret Files 2 has well made and logical puzzles, whether its inventory or environment puzzles. I really liked a part where one of the character is trapped, and you aid him escape, you can switch items between each other and you have to fool the guard, it's a really well designed sequence.

I have some complaints about the game as well. The main plot was improbable, and kinda silly. Some of the voice acting was questionable, especially the actress who did Nina. And, this game has this annoying feature that includes zooming in when people are conversing, but when zoomed in you can really see how low res the textures are. The game would be better off without the zooming.

This was one of the better point and click adventure I've played in a while so check it out if you like these type of games.