Bottom line, if you want this game but better Play Dynasty warriors/samurai Warriors by Koei and skip this one.

User Rating: 5 | Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes PS3
This game is just horrible o.o Its like a cheap version of Koei's Samurai Warriors aka Sengoku Basara. It is most absolutely not enjoyable and just constant button smashing brainless, tiring repetition.

Very Deja Vuish (if you have played Koei games) feeling but feels wrong at the same time. It's just not as dynamic and diverse as its put out to be, sure each character has their own style. but its just not a difficult game and its just not enjoyable. Perhaps the first 10 hours of the game are somewhat interesting but just no.

Just no! .0. no no no! what the heck is this? these models don't do those Japanese heroes Justice in any way, it is absolutely just horrendous how it looks and feels on the PS3

Its ok I'll give it that, one of the very few good things about this game

Its just mediocre sorry