After reading gamespots review i was left unsure. Luckly, i listened to my gut feeling and enjoying an awsome game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter PC
When I first read the review for this game i was unsure if i was going to skip it or buy it. I dicided to ignore gamespot due to their reputation for underrating games and found a very playable and enjoyable game. The so called bugs i here about, i so far haven't come across yet, and doubt i will come across any. If you guys had problems with it i might suggest checking your hard ware, anyways.

Gameplay: same as the old, if no better. When i first picked up this game i did't spot playing for 5 hours. some of the waves they send at you are rediculously big, which can prove a challenge on higher difficulty. When you've finnished the singleplayer, just jump on to the multiplayer and have some great fun with your friends.

Graphics: the game looks beautiful and well polished. making an awsome game even better.

Sound is the only area that could use a bit more work. The sound track is great in which i sometimes i i get too disctracted listening to the music that i die. The sound effects could have used more work as it seems though they took most of it straight from the original. But its not so bad that it destroys the experiences as the gameplay and graphics make up for it.

overall this is a brilliant remake of an amazing game and i would suggest to anyone to buy it at an amazing $20.