How can you criticise this game?

User Rating: 10 | Serious Sam: The First Encounter PC
I waned an insane, fast paced, action filled shooter and that is exactly what I got. The graphics are insane for their time, and the game runs perfectly even when you have 50+ monsters attcking you. The weapons are awesome, fun to use, and very diverse, giving you many choices to slaughter your enemies with. My favorites have to be the chaingun and the hand-held cannon. You also have a "Serious Bomb" to wipe out every enemy at once in case you are about to die. There is also a huge amont of enemies, from kamikaze soldiers, to exploding toads, and even giant biomechanical fish like things with dual rocket launchers. The multiplayer and co-op modes are also very fun, and in co-op the amount of enemies increase to make it harder. The multiplayer has a Unreal like feel to it, because everyone moves and dies very fast.

Honestly, I have nothing to criticise it about.