Hilariously funny

User Rating: 8.5 | Serious Sam: The Second Encounter PC
I started playing this game a while back because I’d remembered Serious Sam to be mindlessly fun to play. Whilst playing, though, I discovered that this mindlessness could become tedious after a while as well. As I walked through the levels and fought off hundreds of monsters I constantly played for a couple of minutes and then stopped again for an hour or so… this not being because it was too hard, but because (as said before) it got tedious and annoying. (Couldn’t have been too hard, I was playing on Tourist) It also didn’t help that the letter ‘L’ on my keyboard got stuck continually, because, me being a lefty, I’d switched around the controls and ‘L’ was set as strafe-right. Now after a while I changed this, so at least the running around felt better (which helped a lot). Now after having played the first part in this start-stop way it got more interesting. This time you were kinda more running around through small corridors and caves and stuff, also meaning that not as many enemies showed up. Still there were many, but at least not enough to be really annoying. Also it was fun that after you went through a portal to the next part of the game you’d lose all your weapons and had to re-collect them. Then one day a friend of mine came over, and around this time I was just fighting off the second boss (some huge insect-larva hanging from the ceiling) and decided to show him how cool this game was (already fully enjoying it by this time) and I killed the boss and I ended up playing it for 3 more hours before finishing it and my friend ended up laughing his guts out for 3 hours. Things we laughed about: * The insane amount of enemies that are sent after you near the end (this time fun and not tedious) * Finding a secret ‘Embryo Museum’ and just totally not getting what it was there for * Finding secrets like ‘mutated plant’ and stuff * Killing our enemies by setting them on fire and stuff * Hearing the stupidity of Sam’s comments * Jokes that were put in here and there by the creators * The fact that a rocket only took off 5 health and most other things 2 So basically, in the beginning it can be tedious and annoying, but as you get nearer to the end you’ll start enjoying it more and more. The graphics might not be as modern as some other games, but the weapons still look cool and so do your enemies. It’s a shame though, they should’ve added more new enemies and weapons and stuff, but all the secrets are definitely a really cool plus. I enjoyed it after biting through the first few levels, and so will you.