Possibly the most weapons-balanced shooter ever.

User Rating: 9.6 | Serious Sam: The Second Encounter PC
This game's not very deep. Actually, there isn't any depth to it at all. The whole point to it is to run and gun. Then run and gun some more, only this time like you really mean it !! The keys to the greatness of this simple game isn't the running and gunning; any game can do that. Rather, it's the way you're able to do it all. Firstly, there are often many enemies coming at you at once, yet this doesn't bog down the system. Croteam built this engine for allowing massive amounts of on-screen activity while also allowing for smooth operation. No matter how much shooting and exploding is going on, or how many enemies are being obliterated at a time, the game never seems to bog down. That's impressive!

Secondly, there are of course an array of typical shooter weapons, like a shotgun, dual handguns, sniper rifle, and grenade and rocket launchers, and a few others. But what I noticed as I went along, merrily blasting my way through each level, is that each weapon is distinctly different from the others. In some situations, I found myself using the very powerful sniper rifle to take down those winged uglies from a distance, or some other particularly big baddie, before I jump into the main fray. Then, once in it neck deep, I'd be switching from shotgun to eliminate close-up baddies; then to the grenade launcher while running backwards, dropping grenades onto my path as I retreat. Then I'd quickly switch over to the mini-gun, and proceed to sweep a broader area, mowing down anything in the bullet stream. Even the circular saw comes in handy if some of those guys manage to get up close and personal. For me it's the unique usefulness of each weapon that really put this game on a level above many other shooters. Oddly, as a sniper weapon, the basic dual six-shooters are great, especially since they have an unlimited ammo supply.

This game is intense, too! Sometimes too intense. Because it's all about running and gunning and blowing things up, the game often becomes overwhelming. You pretty much end up running for life, often backwards, trying to blast away at the hordes chasing you, while at the same time sweeping side to side and looking the other way, just trying to find a path out of it all, or at least a moment's rest to regroup, reload, and let your hand relax from its death-grip on the mouse. After playing for a while, I sometimes had to shut off the game and let the adrenaline drop back down to normal levels. If you like intense shooters, this one's surely a must-play!