Civilization game for the console, but is it really a Civilization?

User Rating: 7.5 | Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution X360
I knew as soon as I heard that Firaxis was making a Civ game for the 360 that I would struggle to like it. Me, being a HUGE civilization fan, and played it way back in the 90's, I'm not to accustom to change. Civilization Revolution is that change.
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot right about this game, but as the saying goes, "if you can get the real thing, why mess around with a fake". Revolution is to Civilization, as Sim City Society is to Sim City, a lite weight, striped down version of a complex and deep game.
This is one of those games that if you never played the real thing, then you may love the hell out of this game, but if you have played the real thing, then I would probably suggest you stay away from this.
As far as the game goes, it's a beautiful crafted game, with a lot of color, but cartoony looking cities, items in it. The worlds that you start off with are fairly small, and nothing close to the sizes you can get in the real thing, but seem to fit well for a lite version of the game. You get lots of help from advisors, and have a fairly simple and fast game play. There aren't many options in the game and no customization that I could find, this is pure and simple a strip down, get in and play style game that should suit many players that may not have had the honor of playing the many Civilizations before this.
You can't pull back much in the game, so the views are very low and small, you really never get a real idea of the vastness of your map, as if Firaxis was scared to show you the real power of the engine this game was built on, but you do get a fairly close to the action, and the city views are well done if not a bit generic.
Over all I think this as a great game for a person that maybe just getting into strategy games, but for a long time player like myself, I just didn't enjoy the game all that much. I'm also getting really tire of EA trying to throw the damn Sim theme in their games every chance possible. I'm so sick of hearing Sim Language I don't know what to do.