The port of Civilization Revolution on Nintendo DS brings new life into the series and a must for Nintendo's handheld.

User Rating: 9.5 | Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution DS
Sid meier civilization is a series of strategy games on verious platfoms. Civilization Revolution was released on the DS in 2008 as a port from the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions. is the usual attempt to try to last time and destroy enemies or if you want peace with them. There are four ways to win per leader and per difficulty there are over three hundred victories you can get in total. There are also sixteen leaders that most who play these Sid Meier games like for instance Caesar, Abe Lincoln, Mao Zedong, Shaka, Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Montezuma, Saladin, Napoleon and others. There are some countries have special units but some don't do not worry about the special units being better then yours unless it is upgraded which happens every three battle wins, there are different upgrades for the archers to the warriors.
There are wonders, great people and converted cities the capital cities can not be converted, which you need twenty of them and then you can build the United Nations that then leads to a cultural victory. Technological victory is by researching Space Flight and then launching the SS (Space Shuttle) parts like SS Habitation, SS Propulsion, SS fuel and SS life support then you can launch the space shuttle to Beta Centuri. There is an economic victory which is get twenty thousand gold pieces and then you can build the World Bank wonder. Last but not least is the most fun and that is the Domination victory which you need to conquer all the enemy capital cities and then hold all of them for one turn. These were based on the random map as there are other maps that change the victory conditions on that level.
If the player's civilization is nearing one of the above mentioned victory conditions, all other civilizations will declare war on them in an attempt to delay or stop them from winning. The construction of the World Bank, the construction of the United Nations, and the launching of the ship to Alpha Centauri can all be stopped by capturing the enemy's capital and palace.
Civilization Revolution is a turn based strategy game, with every "turn" representing the passage of several years within the game, which changes from 100 years in the beginning to two years by the end, reflecting the faster pace of contemporary society made possible by technological advancements. Later-era units and buildings are also more "expensive" to build (in terms of production points) than earlier ones, which is matched with cities' increased efficiency and population. Where the early game tends to be focused on exploring and expanding one's empire, the later game is dominated by the interactions forced upon the player by rival civilizations.
The main game of Civilization Revolution begins in 4000 BC, with a lone settler in the middle of a little-explored region. That settler has the capability to found a city, which, depending on its specific mix of geographical surroundings, begins harvesting food for the continued growth of the city, production for the creation of units and buildings, and trade that can be then turned into either research points or wealth. Meanwhile, rival civilizations are encountered, which can be both valuable trade partners, strategic allies, or dangerous enemies. Ultimately, each civilization competes for land and resources with the purpose of eventual military, technological, cultural, or economic domination.