Good ideas, poor results.

User Rating: 5.5 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PC
At first the game seems to be a refreshingly huge and open world waiting to be explored, but after a while you might start to think you are doing the same over and over again. And you are. Every city is entirely boring. They all consist of a governor, tavern, merchant, shipwright. That's it. The only difference in every city is what you can buy at the shipwright. It makes exploring new areas completely pointless. The world is very large and it can seem cool at times how you can work for any of the three factions, and watch as the territories flip baish would be mad, but when I went to a Spanish settlement, all the governor seemed to care about wack and forth, but even this becomes boring quick because your actions don't seem to have many consequences. For a while I was trying to ally with the Spanish, so I didn't want to kill their ships. Then I saw a large Spanish warship that I wouldn't have minded to be my flagship. So I captured it in a ridiculously easy fight, and made it my flagship. I thought the Spans that I destroyed a French grain transport. Nothing was said about me raiding a Spanish treasure galleon and steal a huge ammount of gold from them.

The controls are ok but not without their flaws. When trying to anchor and board land to find treasure, it is almost impossible to not ram your ship into shore before the anchor button pops up. The wind is also annoying, I know it would be un realistic without it, but for most of the time I've been playing the wind has been almost exclusively eastbound. Making it very hard to travel anywhere, and making fights very annoying. I can't remember how many times I have had to give up trying to board a surrendered enemy ship that had no sails, but I couldn't get to it because it was down wind and I just end up shooting it till it sank. I don't see the point of having more than one ship. The only thing that It helps with is having more space to hold stuff, which is usually food that is used to feed the extra crew on the extra ships. You can only take one ship into battle, meaning you could have hundreds of spare cannons, a bunch of warships in your fleet, but you would still be fighting as if you had one. The minigames are annoying. The swordfighting one sucks it is way too easy just use the rapier and mash attacks. The dancing one is annoying because you have to sometimes do more than one of the same move and it is hard to tell when you need to press it again and you end up pressing it too many times. Basically, the lack of diversity between the factions or cities and the lack of consequences for actions against allies make the game feel shallow.