A fun and addicting game that shouldn't be missed by ANYBODY who owns a PSP!

User Rating: 9.3 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PSP
This game is only 20 dollars and let me tell you it's a free-roaming game that IMO beats the hell out of GTA.You navigate the open sea with a crew of pirates and you can do a lot of fun little mini-games on your quest,including taking over ships,sword battles,dancing with governor daughters,scouting a land for treasure and sneaking into towns that you have are not supposed to be in.You can choose to be with the Spanish,French,English or Dutch in the beginning but you can be both friend or enemy to them all.

If I was going to rate this game a 1 out of 10,I would give it about a 9.4

Go out and buy this game,you will NOT be dissapointed.