Silent Hill play online

User Rating: 10 | Silent Hill PS

The game is truly awesome! That is, it has many abominable creatures, blood, corpses and other nightmares. What gives this game fear? In RE2, 3 everything is clear: unhealthy scientists, infectious viruses, hence - zombies and other mutants. In a word, the work of human hands. And in SH obviously was not without the intervention of dark forces. The city in which you will wander, according to one of the characters, "swallowed up the darkness". This is felt from the first minutes of the game. The city is not damaged, there are no broken shops and places of accidents, burning buildings and ... people. There is no one except you, deserted misty streets, slowly flying snow and horrible finds. A little later, the company will make you various running, jumping, creeping and flying frenzies, I'm not afraid of this word, hell! By the way, at the beginning of the game you will follow in the curve lane for the image of your daughter, in which you will find such wonderful things as a pool of bloody mush, smeared on the wall, incomprehensible from where the bent wheelchair and the medical cot with the decomposing corpse come from. And a few seconds later, your hero is just shredded small disgusting creatures with knives ... An encouraging beginning, and, most importantly, this can not be avoided. But something I was carried away with the description of the passage.

Play Silent Hill PS1 online