$79.99 straight into the toilet... but I learned a valuable lesson from this release...

User Rating: 1 | SimCity (Limited Edition) PC

I learned a valuable lesson from this release... (excluding MMOs), I will never ever buy a game that requires the server end to function. I threw down $79.99 on the "extra special digital edition". I'm not going to get into the legendary launch implosion, I'm just going to point to the unexpected outcome in all this. Right now, this game is close to forgotten, that means at any day, month or year, EA can pull the plug on the server side and leave you with SimCity launcher that does nothing. This game didn't need to be designed to require a server. This requirement had much more to do with EA bombarding players with mandatory advertising to line their pockets with micro-transactions, expansion packs and DLC income. The original SimCity was a solid game, this game threw that winning formula out the window in favour of a "paint a zone" client-side spectator sport that begs for more content to make the "movie" more tolerable. If you take anything away from this know that anything that's multiplayer-only could terminate a lot sooner than you expected. If the launch had gone smoother, this game would have had a half decent lifespan. This is something buyers cannot anticipate, ever. EA has cleaned out my bank account of trust. I won 't accept anything now at face value and I beg you not to either, it's just not acceptable at these inflated prices to dump all the risk on to the customer. At some time, sooner than later EA will wash it's hands of the this title and that will be it. You can send a strong message to gaming companies by refusing to purchase such games that saddle you with all the risk. If it's a multiplayer game you want to play, make sure you can have full access to the server software (e.g. Minecraft Server, HL Server, etc) or at the very least make sure the game can substitute bots for real players locally. If you can purchase a game today and play it again 5 years later after the company has moved on to newer titles, that 's a game worth investing in.