Do not buy. Broken DRM, broken servers and a broken game. Shouldn't really have expected anything else from EA

User Rating: 1 | SimCity PC
Those fine folks at EA ( Endless Aggravation ) have done it again. With absolutely no regard for their customers wishes and no thought given to even a hint of quality control, they release yet another broken cash cow onto an unsuspecting market, although by now the market should know better. That is of course if you can even get into the game to play it as the online DRM conspires every step of the way to prevent you from doing that.

When you do eventually get into the game.... Well here was my experience. Clicked play .... could not connect to update server ... almost an hour and every error code from 1 to 30 later it finally connected and updated the game..... Clicked play again and played through tutorial. Finished tutorial and clicked on create game .... asked to choose a server .... no matter which one I chose the game could not connect to it.... 40 minutes of trying and at last connected to a server. Chose the smallest region ( note that there is no way to create your own regions here so you are stuck with what EA gives you). Chose one of the three plots for my city and clicked on create ....... Could not create game .....AARRRGGHHHHH. Turned off PC and went for lunch. After lunch actually managed to create a game, which crashed after a short while ( which actually was a blessing as the game is so easy it is very boring to play). My experience of this game was so bad that I contacted Amazon and received a full refund. The box is now winging it's way back to their returns centre and apparently I'm not the only one. So are you listening EA? of course not but on the off chance that you are this game and your DRM needs a sewerage outlet pi