Plucky game, punching above it's weight!

User Rating: 8 | Singularity X360
When I started Singularity I thought it looked like they had just cut other games to pieces and taped it back together with the precision of an infant: some bits are very Bioshock others are straight from Half Life and I thought the character moved like a piece of wood and some of the early enemies are not unique in any way.

BUT as I played on I realized that the "Influences" they've taken were all the good bits from those games and together with the story line and shall we say nuanced characters and a couple of interesting weapon ideas it starts to build a picture of a well thought out, fun unpretentious game (now a rare quality).

The TMD adds more interesting killing angles to it, the boss fights are suprizingly good and you get more play hours then most FPS games. So the graphics aren't state of the art and the bad guys would struggle to get into a bad school these things are more than made up for in the variation of where you fight, the ways you can kill, the items around you at you're disposal, interesting takes on classic weapons, wierd story and plot twists.