Singularity took all the good things from a bunch of amazing games and made another amazing game, But in its own style.

User Rating: 9 | Singularity PC
Singularity starts off as the player who's mission is to investigate, more or less, an island that has gone through a major catastrophe. Once there strange things start happening and you learn of the experiments that were going on, on the island using a resource known as E99. Through this you also discover the singularity.

The gameplay is really well done. The shooting and aiming is smooth and I didn't run into any bugs or glitches, aside from one which a bridge never appeared that was suppose to. The gameplay feels unique to its own world, despite obvious influences from other games. You should be able to pick up the controls and the way your weapons work very easily.

The storyline is explained through various things. People you talk to will explain as much as they can, along with notes you read from previous inhabitants, and video clips.

Singularity is the perfect balance between gameplay and storyline. It is a linear game, but there is some freedom to roam around in large areas. The only downside to this game I could ever see is the length is short, but by the end of the game you'll feel satisfied by the content anyway.