Skate 3 is an addicting skating game packed with loads of content that will keep you coming back for more.

User Rating: 9.5 | Skate 3 PS3
The Good:
+Sharp controls.
+The park editor is worth paying full price for the game.
+Lots of objectives to complete.
+Great soundtrack.
+Great voice acting.
+You get more than your money's worth.
+Fun online.
+Fixed camera issues from previous games.
+Looks good.
+The frustrating S.K.A.T.E challenges have been removed.
+The new city, Port Carverton, is well designed and has lots of varied locations.

The Bad:
-Some extremely frustrating objectives.
-Odd walking animations.

Skate 3 has been unfairly criticized for being more of the same while the FIFA series get critical acclaim, in reality, the jump from Skate 2 to 3 is bigger than the jump from Skate 1 to 2. Skate 3 puts you into a new city called Port Carverton with lots of great locations to skate on, ranging from spillways and pools to quarries and pipelines. Previous Skate 3 games made you work your way to the top, in Skate 3, you are already at the top and you are putting your own crew together so you can win events and sell skateboards.
The same great skating gameplay from Skate 1 and 2 is here and is as great as ever, the controls are sharp and responsive and there is once again, a bunch of new tricks to pull off, sadly, some of the frustrations with timing from the previous games are still to be found here, but Skate 3 is still easier and more accessible than previous Skate games. The most obvious addition to Skate 3 (besides the new city) is that the camera can now be at a higher angle or still be set at the traditional low angle of previous games, the high angle is arguably the best option because it shows a clearer view of the environments. Once again, you can create you skate in a variety of ways as you unlock new clothing options. Arguably the best addition to Skate 3 is the excellent park editor, a much missed feature from the now dead Tony Hawk series, like the skater editor, you unlock new parts as you progress through the game, the editor is fully featured and it is worth paying full price for the game just for this feature. There are loads of objectives to complete, sadly some of them can be extremely frustrating, still, the frustrating S.K.A.T.E challenges from previous games have been stripped away.Skate 3 also includes online multiplayer which includes are number of well designed modes.
Skate 3 is a good looking game, it doesn't do anything remarkable with it's visuals but it still looks good. The only bad thing is that walking animations look odd, but this is a skateboarding game so that is easily forgivable.
Skate 3 has a great soundtrack which will appeal to fans of all music genres. Voice acting is top notch and Coach Frank is played by the same actor who plays Earl from My Name is Earl.
Overall, Skate 3 is a superb Skateboarding game that should be played by anyone with even a tiny interest in Skateboarding, if it were not for the frustrations, this game would be a masterpiece. Skate 3 gets an almost perfect 9.5/10.