
User Rating: 9 | Sleeping Dogs PS3
This game has to be one of the most interesting game I've ever played. For so long I held off on getting it because Im not a big fan of fighting games but this one has everything that a game should have. The fighting system is smooth, driving is awesome and easy to control, you can customize your clothes, and a lot more. The story line is very exciting and has you wondering what will happen next. You start as a undercover cop and you get into the Sun On Yee, you start off extorting businesses and minor tasks to prove yourself but the deeper you get in the more deadlier the jobs get from shooting your way out of a wedding to jumping out of cars on to other cars to finding the guys who kidnaps girls and sells them for sex. Its a very intense game and i recommend anybody who has the opportunity of getting this game should, you won't regret it.