This game is not as good as its predecessor.

User Rating: 7 | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 GG
When I played Sonic 1 on the Game Gear I felt good playing it and when I got to know it had a sequel I was thrilled.But surprisingly I was not SO happy with it and I felt the first boss was HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right the first boss of the game is SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!! But there were some improvements like recollecting lost rings and the first game to have paragliding! My favorite level is the Gimmick Mt. Zone.Paragliding had sloppy controls so it was not a good experience at all!!! But still the story was good and getting chaos emerald was positively challenging! So the second game gear sonic game was also good to play and had fun moments too!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope they soon make Sonic 3 for any of the new consoles like the DS and have Knuckles and Tails also a playable character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!