this game..... its not even worthy of a 0.1 I would rather go and play a REAL fighting game like Mortal Kombat

User Rating: 1 | SoulCalibur V PS3
Soul Calibur 5 far form being the Renewal of the series that it was expected to be after the rushed thrown together game that was Soul Calibur 4 we as fans who feed you industry and support the developers deserve to get all there effort in these games this is something that shows they do not care about there fan base they just believe that they slap SC on the title make the trailers and promos present and game as a mystery say we try to keep the fans pumped up with the suspense of secrets when in reality the game is a secret because the have so little to offer that they cant risk giving to much out for fear of losing sales SC5 is a slap in the face it is Project Souls way of saying we are willing to BS are way as far as we can as long as we are making money SC5 should be the end of this series Project Soul should disband and just leave the fighting games to NetherRelm Studios, Capcom and Bandai Namco