
User Rating: 4.7 | Spec Ops: Airborne Commando PS
Special Ops, Airborne Commando sounds promising, and the first few missions aren't too bad, but it quickly descends into a repetitive, boring affair.
The enemy AI is ridiculously stupid, not even noticing one of their own being sniped less than an inch in front of them, while when you confront them holding a rifle they just yell who's there and stand still. A variety of different enemies is non-existent, with everyone exactly the same, with the same weapons, just different uniforms. The games weapons are incredibly unbalanced, with the sniper rifle being able to beat almost every level on its own, and the aiming mechanism just too easy.
There is the odd highlight, but they are rare and far between and do not make up for the rest of the game.
The games ten levels can be beaten within about two hours, and it doesn't offer much in the way of replay value, as there is no difficulty settings, just an option to change how many lives you have. The lack of multi-player is disappointing, as it would have lengthened its life by a bit, but ultimately, this game will probably sit on your shelf gathering dust after the first play through, with much better shooters out their on the market.