very smart AI brings some frustration to the table, but if you win a race, is it ever satisfying.

User Rating: 7.5 | Split/Second X360
this game, like Crysis 2, is a looker. the gorgeous visuals of a sunset to night-time racing are awesome, but that doesn't mean the rest of it is. The racing itself isnt the best. Cars drift at the single tap of the left thumb stick even when you dont want them to. Power plays are fun to use and wreck your opponents with, but it isnt that fun when they wreck you, because you could be in first place before you are wrecked, and after, you're dead last. These factors wouldnt be so frustrating if it weren't for the incredibly smart AI. The AI rarely ever get wrecked by other AI opponents, and when you try to wreck them, they can swerve out of the way at the snap of a finger.

This doesn't mean the game is all bad though. The car models look awesome and the cars themselves are very fast. And placing first in the later races in the season mode is very satisfying and rewarding. Unlocking new cars does take some time, but they are worth the effort.

Split Second is based on a TV show which consists of 12 episodes with four normal events, one bonus event and to end the episode, an Elite Race. Win the elite race, and you move on to the next episode. Use power plays, draft, drift, and wreck your opponents to place first. There are other game modes, such as Detonater, Air Strike, Air Revenge, and Survival. Some of these can be tough to complete.

graphics: 8/10
gameplay: 7/10
difficulty: 10/10
overall appeal: 7.5