
User Rating: 8.5 | Spore PC
So I love this game. It starts off with you being just a tiny cell in an ocean of different cells.It's really short and you will be done quickly killing creatures. After that you're creature goes onto the land and grows legs (your choice for it too, but why wouldn't you give it legs) then the tribal stage where they become a little civilized (second best stage). Then civilization stage (best stage) where you make tanks and war planes and destroy enemy civilizations with your breed of monster. Then... the big disappointment. THE STUPID SPACE STAGE! Space stage is very boring, usually consisting of you doing boring tedious tasks or over the top hard things, and constantly getting killed.The main objective is to kill the grox, the most powerful type of alien (I never did it). At the start your creature can be a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore. Now you are probably thinking, why not be an omnivore? It would probably be way easier. Well the problem with that is you only get medium level items, while carnivores get powerful items and herbivores get charismatic items to impress enemy civilizations and make them allies. What is really fun is customizing an epic creature of yours and making him a warlord. If you like weird things or have an interesting imagination, I suggest this game.