Maxis introduces a new inspirational concept into Sim Games, but fails to make it perfect.

User Rating: 8.5 | Spore PC
If you yet do not know about the basics of spore, well then: Spore is basically a simulation game where you build your own creatures and your job is to make them achieve prospery through survival, dominance, exploration, inner estability between members of the specie, etc.; as an overall aim, to guide your creatures through the darwinian model of evolution in five stages (which become less creature-personal as you advance): Cell, Creature, Tribal, Civilization and Space.

So the question is, is it cool as it sounds? Yes and No. And only because the concept introduced is incomplete and becomes repeated. If this, along with some small details (such as the continual enemy invations in the space phase) had been treated before the game's release and gameplay was a bit more deep, the game would go right for a 10.

The first stage lasts only about half an hour, and so is quite interesting for a while, it seems like a casual game. Creature phase is the Big Bang as you evolve into a land creature and begin to explore the continent, but it soon turns tedious and a bit boring as you carry the same actions several times. Tribal phase was my least favorite, it has gridding aswell and wasn't interesting for me; but this is personal! Civilization stage is exciting at first and you get to design your Town structures and the first transport cars and ships, and here you realize that the models are quite kid-like and lack graphic design, but you soon learn to accept it. But there is repetition again, although you might like it tough.

Space stage is half of the game and, for many, the main part, as it has no real ending. Here things turn interesting. Your civilization now can explore the spaces. Yes, there are planets and suns and other civiluizations and enemies to discover. Here the game is fun and for several hours depending on the player. You will have to explore and expand your empire by placing colonies in other planets. You can manage different living creatures (who are on diversed stages you already played) and if the creatures are a civilization already, you can originate a relationship.

You will meet other empires like yours, some friendly, other neutral, many agressive from the start. However you can afect your relationship with them via many ways. You can for example, send gifts, buy them things, but you can also rob them creatures or declare them war. These empires also (and usually) posses more than one planet. There are all types of planets which vary on temperature and atmosphere.
But here the game has a really annoying characteristic. You simply can't manage so many relationships with so many empires, and because of this some will declare war on you, others will forget you and become neutral again, etc. Meanwhile, soon (after an hour or so) the famous continual invations will begin. The fact is that eliminating the enemies is very simple, but oh, appart from the fact that you need to turn your way into that planet where your attacked colony/ies is/are (yes you can have more than one colony in a single planet). The famous grox are the biggest and strongest enemy, and it hasn't been proved the fact that you can end their existance at all; they are everywhere among the universe. However if you don't eliminate this, they will probably take over your colony or destroy it.

The game is supposed to end when you get to center of your galaxy (and it's a long and hard way to get there) and you encounter a surprise end-video. you can "win" via peace, finnaly converting other empires into yours, or via war, Destroying the others.

Long enough!, to conclude: You Should get Spore, it's a Must if you like sim games (like Simcity, the Sims) and similar ones. You should at leats give it a try, it's a unique experience sure. There is an expantion which doesn't change gameplay to much but adds content to the galactic phase.

Overall: 8.5