How did the spy hunter series become so bad? *REDUX*

User Rating: 1 | Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run PS2
Now, since the blog stating i was reviewing this game went up, i`ve been getting a few questions asking me why i'm even taking the time to review this piece of s*** again. Well 2 reasons: 1. It`s such an awful game that it deserves it!! 2. If you have been watching me for a while, you probabaly know already how much i hate this game, and i must admit, i thought that last review of it was perhaps one of my better reviews but, to be frankly, over time, i started to think about it, thinking that i should redo it and go into greater depth as to why i hate this game. To be honest, i didn't do a good job the first time, i have to redo it....

So you start up the game and, graphics are fine, i noticed that sometimes there a few bland textures, but thats just for me, maybe it`s because my T.V. is a bad T.V. Sound's fine there are some parts of the soundtrack i kinda like, but i started with those 2 things first cause i want to spend the rest of the review talking about the gameplay. Gameplay is s***. Mostly do to stiff controls. When your in the interceptor, it just feels stiif, and the car just slides all over the place. Once you get to the stage when your "The rock" (you know, the wrestler), it`s a breath of fresh air to see something different, get a break from those horrible driving stages but, what the hell is this? This isn`t running, IT`S WALKING!!!! They couldn`t make him at least be able to run?!?!?!?!?!?!? When you get to the hand-to-hand combat, i just tap the square button, and i still win, even without looking at the screen!!! Ocasionally i use the triangle button and do a special attack, but the special attacks clearly all look the same, the combat is just biomechanical, every attack looks the same as the last one, i don`t get it!

So, the next level is another driving level, and this level is REDICULASSLY LONG!! I die and i go to a checkpoint and...WHAT IS THIS S***?!?!?!??! MY LIFE`S NOT FULLY REPLENISHED!!!!!!! IT JUST STAYS THE SAME AS THE AMMOUNT I HAD WHEN I WENT THROUGH THAT CHECKPOINT!!!

Now, some of you may recall me saying in my last version of this review that this is the "worst game i've ever played in my life". Well, is it still that for me? Yep. And some of you may like this game, but with all due respect, I HATE THIS GAME SO F***ING MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don`t buy it, don`t rent it, don`t even PLAY it!! even if you see it on sale for like a penny, just stay away from it, cuase one day, that penny is going to be a fortune compared to this awful game. Never, never, NEVER find yourself playing this game!! I`m done, HAVE A F***ING NICE DAY!!!!

Final score:

Graphics: 4/5

Sound: 3/5

Gameplay: -6/5

Entertainment: -1/5

Overall: 0/20