The Origin Of Extreme Air

User Rating: 7.5 | SSX PS2
SSX Was One Of The First Playstation Two Games I Played, And I Would Still Play If it Wasn't For SSX World Tour.
The SSX series revolutionised what to do with big air... Go nuts, and when jamming as a boarder on ssx you will get huge air. Beyond reality, beyond daydreaming, beyond Tony Hawk series.
And beyond is where it is at, is't it...
I mean we game for the main reason of doing things you don't do in reality.
We play games to get unreal, and SSX will take you into a reality that dosen't exist in the real world.
If you enjoy skate games, BMX games, and such SSX is a must have.
If you have never play the SSX series then this game is the start of it all.
Start here with the first edition, although there is basiclly no story line, the gameplay is enough to just keep jamming on, and to get the true feel for the any series it's best to start from it's roots.
As far as I'm concern SSX was the roots to huge air time and what to do with it.
I'm not going to go right into the tricks and moves you can pull off in SSX, you can find that part out yourself... but I will state, you will not be disappointed.
Find it, Get it, Plug it in and rip it up!