No local multipyr, the characters aren't as fun as the original and its focus is more on bigger is better, well it aint.

User Rating: 6.5 | SSX X360
I so wanted this to be good. Perhaps to the point that I was expecting too much. From the beginning it reminds me of amped.. (oh dear god yes.) With no local split screen mutliplayer and the characters not screaming and shouting like the original, this game is focusing more on size of content rather than a game to have fun with. I'm sure it will be a great cash cow with an infinite possibility of future downloads.

On a positive, there seems to be an excellent online multiplayer option and I do like the trails (ghosts) of friends/ competitors showing how far behind or in front you are in a race. I also expected the 'god awful' half-pipe to make an appearance but to my pleasant surprise it doesn't

Maybe with time I will learn to live with it.. right now I feel like a little boy that just discovered Santa isn't real- cheated!