Interesting Little Game

User Rating: 8 | Stacking PS3
I dove into Stacking based solely on the fact it was a free download on PSN+ I can't say the title or the premise wowed me initially but free is free, right?

Surprisingly, the look of the game is very well done for a budget priced title. I enjoy the look of the old silent movie era cut scenes. The gameplay is unique, not stellar but you can see a lot of work and care went into Stacking to give it that Depression-era feel. The artistic brush on Stacking is one of it's best assets. Double Fine found a way to make these little wooden dolls expressive and emotive.

Stacking definitely isn't the hardest of puzzle games and because the game will offer you hints if you wish, you will never be stuck figuring out how to solve a particular task. Most of the time, the answer is right in front of you if you just think about it hard enough.

If you simply read the hints and then perform the task, the main story can be completed rather quickly. I choose not to play Stacking that way because it ruins the journey.

Stacking is a title that I would never think of playing but I'm glad that I did.