You've Seen The Movies, Now Live The Battles!

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
When you watched the Star Wars movies, what made the movie saga itself so packed with action was the large scale epic battles, now then what if you could imagine living in a world where you could partake in these large scale epic battles with the opportunity to play as anyone on any side with any vehicle on the battlefield in both Clone and Galactic Civil Wars in a video game. You play the Best Selling Star Wars Game Of All Time, Star Wars Battlefront, it earned the title along with Battlefront II as my favorite war game, favorite shooter, favorite on any console, one of my favotrite overall games and one of my favorite Star Wars games of all time. And it never got replaced, this is truly the most awesome game of all time, the type of game that makes other games look bad because this game is execllent but it's not perfect, as it does present a fair share of problems that could've been fixed beforehand. AI tends to ruin the fun of a battle, you can't play as Jedi, no space battles, and aerial vehicles on land looks awkward to get a view while battling with your enemies. those problems however are easily distracted with the positive aspects of the game. The story of Battlefront has no vibe of presence at all, but the other mode such as Galactic Conquest and Instant Action are what makes this game epic and incredible. Galactic Conquest let's you first pick which Era you want to play and then you pick a planet to attack before the battle begins you choose a battle bonus to get an advantage on the battlefield, if you win a battle you pick the next battle, vice versa with the enemy. When you win a battle four times you get to call in you Super Weapon to either control a planet with battling or destroy a planet depending on which faction you're with, when all planets are taken over you win the war for control of the galaxy. Instant Action does one simple thing and that's to jump you in to action with your planet of choice, and your faction of choice then the battlefield awaits. This game simply has all of the attention to detail in a package to make itself an excellent war game, it truly won me over every other game before and after this one, no other war game can beat this one ever. Star Wars Battlefront is where you can experience the chaos of war as you fight the greatest battles in the galaxy as truly is worth every single part of experience and it's very engaging for myself and every other Star Wars fan. It truly is an insanely awesome game of it's kind that's worth every penny.