it's not half bad, that is, if you have never seen the original...

User Rating: 5.3 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
ok, so, i remember playing the original a few times, it was fun, but i really only played it a few times, so recently i decided to check it out again, i don't have very many memories of the original but i can really see the difference, like, in the original, i don't remember being able to walk through anything you want. now, the game is fun but,as i said, only if you havn't seen much of the original or are very fond of it. and the game is buggy, like i said, you can walk through anything except walls, tables, crates, all kinds of stuff. it has lag spikes, even if you have a terrapyte computer, besides that i havn't seen many graphical glitches yet, and i don't know if they always had this, but flying is a blast, if i could get it through to sony some how, i say they stop what they are doing and look at the game more, make it like it was, infact they should put up community polls on what to change, i just hope not the jedi, just keep it like another class, becuase thats why i play, i like the jedi. but the game can use ALOT of tuning, mabye someday someone will slap sony good and they will change it, damn xbox, what good has it ever done, just ruined a good game

GAMEPLAY-it's decent, nothing seen before (combat) but, it gets a 6
GRAPHICS-not bad, but in for sony in 07, damn, look at EQ2, c'mon sony! get off your lazy asses!
SOUND-well, it is all authentic star wars sound
VALUE-well,ooh,um, i'd give it a ten, 3 years ago, now that sony broke it, if your a real fan, 5-8, if not...4
TILT-i like it, but i like the few hours i played on my friends account when it came out better...compared to old time fun, 4

Download the trial, if your that much of a fan, pick it up, otherwise MEDIOCRE