Even 7 years later, Bioware's "classic" is every bit as entertaining as today's RPG hits.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
Bioware is an American- based developer that since the early part of the decade, has created games such of Mass Effect, and Dragon Age. Those on the other hand are on this generation of consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii). Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is what I considered their "foot-in-the-door" in the RPG genre. Even seven years after its release, fans of both Star Wars as well as Bioware in general continuously come back to this instant classic.

As a fair warning to those who may not have yet played the game, some parts of the remainder of the review contain some minor spoilers, not necessarily in plot, but in gameplay terms as well. Read at your own risk.

The gameplay is a blend of RPGs as well as (in a way) MMOs. This can mainly be seen in the combat in the game. Combat is real time, as you give certain commands to both you and your companions. You can pause the game completely to issue commands, and this is useful in the more intense battles in the game. This can also be said about the early stages of the game, where you are not as skilled, and need to use what you have with all your party members. You are able to travel to different planets after you become a Jedi in the game. That will also signify when you really start to gain the majority of your party.

The story is completely original and classic to the Star Wars universe. Taking place about 4000 years before the events of the movies, you will play as a new recruit in the Galactic Army on a special mission to insure the safety of a unique Jedi named Bastila. When a Sith battalion attacks, the game takes off, and you join your first set of party members. Carth Onasi, a proven soldier, then accompanies you on a planet known as Taris, where you are in a struggle trying to find Bastila's whereabouts after the escape pods crashed on the planets surface. The game is lengthy, and will last around 40 hours for the casual RPG player.

The game is classic to Star Wars. Races, weapons, as well as ships and speeders. It all is very classic and fans of the universe, and will be pleased. Now as much of a fan of Star Wars as I am, I do not know everything about it. To answer some (*possible) questions; yes, the little species that Yoda is is indeed in the game. This game serves the name Star Wars well, and is absolutely outstanding in every sense of the word.

KOTOR is a classic. RPG fans of any kind can enjoy this fantastic game. It has been seven years since its release. With what looks to be a phenomenal MMO releasing under the same name next year, now is the best time to play this classic. If you want it from the original Xbox, Ebay is sure to have it somewhere, and for you PC lovers, pick up the "Best of PC" Star Wars Collection, and get a few other great games at a great price.

Gameplay Score: 9/10
Graphic Score: 8.75/10
Story: 9.5/10
Presentation Score: 9.5/10
Replay Value: Moderately High

Attention Readers: Have a game you want an honest opinion on? Please contact me, either here on Gamespot or XBL. I will give you an opinion, and if I feel a full review is necessary, then I will get that up as well. Happy Gaming! – xGlenn11x