One of the Best Star Wars Games Ever Created

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX

I remember when I played KOTOR for the first time. It was about 7 or 8 years ago when I was pretty young. It took me at least a year to complete it as I struggled to figure out where to go and what to do. After completing it for the first time, I knew that this is a game I will love for the rest of my life. 7 or 8 years later, KOTOR remains my favorite video game of all time. After re-playing the game once more, I decided it was time to review this game. This review is based on when the game came out in 2003.

Story - 10: BioWare is truly the master of storytelling. KOTOR's story is unique because you don't simply watch it unfold in front of; you discover the story yourself as you explore the many different planets. The story could simply be broken down into a quest to save the galaxy from evil, but that doesn't take away from the story in any capacity. The story is enthralling from beginning to end. The game's story also has one of the most shocking twists I've ever experienced. Every character in this game was created with so much care and love, and that love is shown in every interaction you have with every character. The dialogue is great, every character is unique and believable, there is conflict and resolution between characters, and so much more. And if that wasn't enough, you have the choice to play as good or evil. In every single interaction you have the choice of light side or dark side. These decisions change how every character interacts with you. One character may be very disappointed with you if you mug an old man while another character finds it very amusing and respects you. Every decision has a consequence which I know is now common in RPG's nowadays, but at the time, it was something truly groundbreaking.

Gameplay - 10: KOTOR's gameplay wasn't exactly new for a BioWare game, but it truly was and still is challenging and fun. To start, combat is very tactical and challenging. You need to pause the game several times to properly utilize all of your party members to overcome the different challenges you are faced with. The best part of the gameplay, which kind of goes hand in hand with the story, is that the game doesn't hold your hand. There is no arrow or marker pointing you in the right direction. The game doesn't treat you like an idiot. It tells you what you need to do, but you have to figure out how and where most of the time. You have to explore and interact with characters. You have to be actively engaged to progress in this game, at least the first time. Games nowadays seem to tell you exactly where to go with an arrow pointing you in the right direction taking away your need to be actively engaged. This is why it took me so long to complete this game my first play through. When you complete an objective that you've been working towards for a while, it feels so rewarding. I feel like I accomplished it; the game didn't accomplish it for me. There are so many planets to explore, and all of them are unique to each other.

Graphics/Performance - 9.0: The graphics are the weak part of the game even in 2003. The facial animations are pretty weak with horrible lip-sinking. Occasionally, the frame rate drops for a moment. However, everything else looks incredible. The environments are great to look at, the lightsabers look perfect as the light shines off of them especially in the Dune Sea of Tatooine. It all looks wonderful.

Verdict - 10: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is my personal favorite video game of all time. It perfectly merges storytelling, combat, and exploration into an incredible journey. This is a game that I recommend to everyone who loves great RPG's. I will continue to play this game for years to come.